Click here to watch the SUPER-G Webinar to know and imrove your knowledge about “Grassland mixtures resilient to drought”...
MoreSUPER-G | UCO Webinar
Watch the 1st UCO Webinar! Click here to...
MoreSUPER-G | Policy Webinar
On 25th September, from 10am to 12pm, SUPER-G team discussed: – How the extent and condition of permanent grasslands (PG) in the UK are changing – How to manage PG for multiple public goods – Farmer and citizen priorities for PG...
MoreEU Grassland Watch launch event in Brussels | Hybrid
An upcoming event organised by DG Environment of the European Commission in relation to grasslands will take place on 12 September in Brussels, with possibility of joining remotely. It is organised in the context of the EU Grassland...
MoreBenefits and challenges of multi-species swards
This farm demonstration event was held on 1st August 2023, with 26 farmer, advisers, and representatives from seed companies in attendance. The farmers in attendance were a mix of those already growing multi-species swards and those interested in...
MoreManaging grassland swards for improved productivity, resilience and livestock performance
This demonstration event attracted 46 farmers and advisers to Crediton where the ADAS SUPER-G team led discussions outlining the ways grassland swards can be managed to benefit the farming enterprise. The event began with an indoor discussion of...
MoreEuropean Summer School | Grass-based animal production in Europe
On 4th and 5th of July 2023, the Summer School on Grass-based animal production in Europe took place. The Summer School started with a get together where participants got to know each other and where the guests informed the hosts on their...
MoreSUPER-G at the European Grassland Federation (EGF) Symposium 2023
On 11-24 June, the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry hosted the 22nd European Grassland Federation (EGF) Symposium at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania in Vilnius. The focus of the Symposium was on “The...
MoreSUPER-G 2023 annual meeting | Budapest, Hungary
The SUPER-G 2023 annual meeting was held in the Library at the Institute of Aquatic Ecology in Budapest, between 6th and 8th of June, and included a fascinating field excursion to the famous Kiskunság National Park in the Danube–Tisza interfluve...
More7th Forage day in Bohemian-Moravian Highland, Czech Republic
On 18th May 2023 Mendel University in Brno (Stanislav Hejduk) and DLF Seed and Science Ltd. (Ivan Houdek) organised a seminar Permanent and Temporary Grasslands as a Source of Forage for Dairy Cows at co-operative farm Nové Město na Moravě. More...
MoreReady to launch new virtual fencing trials in Sweden!
We are delighted to announce that SUPER-G project partners, RISE and SLU Ecology Centre, have received additional funding from a Swedish Board of Agriculture research and development grant (FOU) to continue working with virtual fencing technology...
MoreSUPER-G Stakeholder Webinar | Mediterranean BR
This ‘Mediterranean region’ webinar brought together 23 grassland practitioners and researchers from Portugal and Spain. The big question addressed was about the key elements that should be included in a practical face-to-face...