The purpose of this report is to identify, map, and evaluate the most relevant European policies seen to influence permanent grassland (PG) management. To accomplish this, an interdisciplinary, cross-national team from the UK, Switzerland, Spain...
MoreDeliverable 4.1a Review of facilitators of, and barriers to, adoption and choice of PG management options to deliver specific ecosystem services (ES)
The maintenance and sustainable management of PG in the SUPER-G project sets out to (i) increase understanding of the importance and functioning of permanent grassland (PG); (ii) benchmark PG performance across Europe; (iii) develop integrated...
MoreD3.10 – Benchmarking & testing – Final synthesis report
Permanent grasslands can be defined as “any land dominated by grasses or herbaceous forage that can be grazed/mown and has not been included in the crop rotation of a holding for five years or more”. They have the capacity to deliver multiple...
MoreD3.8 – Modelling selected ecosystem service indicators from farm and permanent grassland management data
In this study, farm data from the 2019 survey of 352 farms within task 3.1 of the SUPERG project were used to investigate correlations between various farm characteristics and permanent grassland (PG) management variables of specialised dairy...
MoreDeliverable 3.7 – Assessment of innovative permanent grassland management options
Field trials and experiments to study innovative permanent grassland (PG) management options were carried out across a network of 23 farms and on 17 experimental platforms, located across five biogeographic regions (Atlantic...
MorePerceived feasibility of sward management options in permanent grassland of Alpine regions and expected efects on delivery of ecosystem services
Gabriele Mack1, Nadja El Benni1, Martina Spörri1, Olivier Huguenin‑Elie2, Sophie Tindale3, Erik Hunter4, Paul Newell Price5, Lynn J. Frewer3 Abstract: Agriculture in Alpine regions plays an important role for multiple ecosystem services (ES)...
MoreDeliverable 3.6 – Synergies & Tradeoffs
A series of co-innovation workshops within 23 farm networks helped to identify PG management options, innovations, and technologies to trial on commercial and experimental farms before being road tested and demonstrated on a selection of pilot...
MoreDeliverable 3.5 – Report on co-innovation farm workshops to share results of field experiments and demonstrations on innovations in PG management
SUPER-G Task 3.1 (“Farm Networks”) established 23 farm networks across six biogeographic regions of Europe. During reporting period 1 (RP1), in the frame of Task 3.2 (“Co-innovation Farm Workshops”), each SUPER-G farm network ran a Co-innovation...
MoreDeliverable 3.2 – Overview of data, key gaps, and trends in PG management in the different biogeographic regions
The overall aim of this report is to give an overview of datasets that provide information on current and historical management of Permanent Grasslands (PG) in Europe; present a short summary of the state and condition of PG in Europe based on...
MoreDeliverable 2.6 – Delivery of ecosystem services from permanent grasslands
Permanent grasslands cover 34% of the European Union’s agricultural area (Eurostat, 2020) and are vital for human wellbeing as they contribute to a wide variety of essential ecosystem services. There is limited understanding of how land use and...
MoreDeliverable 2.5 – Factsheets with management guidelines for main PG types to optimise ES
The aim of task 2.5 was to create information materials about basic management options on permanent grasslands that lead to the support of ecosystem services. The main objective was to provide factsheets that are clearly written and...
MoreDeliverable 2.4 – Scientist and farmer perceptions of the feasibility of current and emerging permanent grassland management techniques in Europe
The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of 11 different permanent grassland (PG) management options and innovations in terms of their ease of implementation, likely uptake by farmers and land managers, and potential to deliver...