Work Package 5 (WP5) of the SUPER-G project will develop Decision Support Tools (DSTs) to assist farmers and policy makers to assess Ecosystem Service (ES) provision on Permanent Grassland (PG). Within WP5, as part of Task 5.1, we undertook a...
MoreEuromontana Booklet of Good Practices
The European Association of mountain areas (EuroMontana) has published a booklet of good management practices in mountain grasslands, gathered across 18 European countries, through OREKA MENDIAN, a seven-year project funded by the European...
MoreThe effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grassland across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions)
The report on the topic “The effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grassland across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions)” – developed under the Task 4.1c of the SUPER-G project – is now available...
MoreeBook of Abstracts of the 1 st Joint Conference | Virtual meeting
In mid January 2021, there was a 1st Joint Conference of the EAAP Mountain Livestock Farming Group & FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pastures Sub-Network on the topic “Mountains are agroecosystems for people“. On page 12 there is an article...
MoreDrought resistance and water use efficiency of three genotypes of Bituminaria bituminosa: preliminary results
Authors: Fernández-Habas J., Hidalgo-Fernández M.T., Leal-Murillo J.R., García-Moreno A.M., Reina-Belmonte J.A., Quero J.L., Fernández-Rebollo P., Vanwalleghem T. and Mendez P. Abstract The increase in temperature and reduction of rainfall due to...
MorePreferences for grassland-management innovations in dehesa farms from Andalusia (Spain)
Authors: Fernández-Habas J., Fernández-Rebollo P., Vanwalleghem T., Luis-González A., Sánchez-Zamora P. and Gallardo-Cobos R. Abstract Permanent grasslands (PG) are of key importance for the provision of ecosystem services (ES). Suitable...
MoreA management-based typology for European permanent grasslands
Authors: Tonn B.1, Bausson C.2, Ten Berge H.3, Buchmann N.4, Bufe C.3, Eggers S.5, Fernández-Rebollo P.6, Forster-Brown C.7, Hiron M.5, Klaus V.H.4, Korevaar H.3, Lellei-Kovács E.8, Lombardi G.9, Markovic B.10, Ravetto Enri S.9, Schils R.L.M.3...
MoreEuropean permanent grasslands mainly threatened by abandonment, heat and drought, and conversion to temporary grassland
Authors: Schils R.L.M.1, Newell Price J.P.2, Klaus V.H.3, Tonn B.4, Hejduk S.5, Stypinski P.6, Hiron M.7, Fernández P.8, Ravetto Enri S.9, Lellei-Kovacs E.10, Annett N.11, Markovic B.12, Lively F.13, Ten Berge H.1, Smith K.2, Forster-Brown C.2...
MoreEffects of organic farming on ecosystem services and multifunctionality in Switzerland: the ServiceGrass project
Authors: Klaus V.H.(1), Richter F.1, Buchmann N.(1), Jan P.(2), El Benni N.(2)and Lüscher A.(3) (1)Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zürich, Universitätstr. (2), 8092 Zürich, Switzerland; Research Division Competitiveness and System...
MoreGrazing season: top start!
SUPER-G project partners from the Chambres d’agriculture de Normandie recently launched an article, related with the beginning of grazing season, in Normandy local press, about the project. After the heavy rainfall of the last few months...
MoreSuper-G article on AGROTEJO annual magazine
The project was featured in an article in the annual magazine AGROTEJO. AGROTEJO – União Agrícola do Norte do Vale do Tejo is a non-profit Portuguese association of farmers, whose main area of focus is the North of the Tagus Valley: To...
MoreSUPER-G Northern England Farm Network Webinar
Back in September, The SUPER-G Northern England farm network held a webinar with the UK Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) Beef and Lamb and ADAS. During the webinar we heard from James Drummond from Lemmington Hill Head farm...