Watch the SUPER-G Webinar to know and imrove your knowledge about “Improving hay making practices”. Click here to watch...
MoreSUPER-G Czech Webinar | Jak podporovat udržitelné hospodaření na TTP?
Watch this webinar on ‘How to promote sustainable management of TTP?’ where we discussed topics such as: – Can we agree on what constitutes sustainable management of TTP? – Legislative constraints, subsidies and voluntary...
MoreSUPER G | Virtual fencing and remote sensing livestock positioning
Watch the SUPER-G Webinar to know and imrove your knowledge about “Virtual fencing and remote sensing livestock positioning”. Click here to watch...
MoreDeliverable 6.7 – Report on EIP-AGRI set of Practice Abstracts 3
In this Deliverable 6.7: Report on EIP-AGRI set of Practice Abstracts 3, eight different topics were addressed, related with the work performed in the technical Work Packages of the SUPER-G project. Read the full report...
MoreDeliverable 6.6 – Report on EIP-AGRI set of Practice Abstracts 2
The 3rd Practice Abstract in SUPER-G (The effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grassland across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions), summarizes the methodology to assess the policy instruments...
MoreDeliverable 6.3 Report on EIP-AGRI Set of Pratices
This report defines the first set of SUPER-G Practice Abstracts. The 1st Practice Abstract, describes the SUPER-G project in general, the different Work Packages and the main activities that will occur during the project. The 2nd Practice...
MoreDeliverable 5.7 – Final Version of the Policy Tool
The aim of Work Package 5 (WP5) of the SUPER-G project was to develop decision support tools (DSTs) to assist farmers and policy makers to assess ecosystem service (ES) provision on permanent grassland (PG). This report describes the development...
MoreDeliverable 5.6 – A farm-level decision support tool
The SUPER-G project aims to co-develop sustainable Permanent Grassland (PG) systems and policies with farmers and policy makers to effectively optimise productivity whist supporting biodiversity and delivering other Ecosystem Services (ES). You...
MoreDeliverable 5.1 Decision Support Tools
Decision support tools (DSTs) are designed to help end users to make more effective decisions. The aim of this report was to review existing DST used within European Permanent Grassland (PG) systems. Decision support tools cover a range of...
MoreDeliverable 4.4 – A compilation of SUPER-G policy briefs and recommendations
The purpose of this report is to present a curated set of 12 policy briefs developed in the SUPERG project and to outline the process used to generate them. You can read the full report...
MoreDeliverable 4.3 – Citizen priorities and preferences for ecosystem services in relation to permanent grassland
21European permanent grasslands (PG) are multifunctional landscapes that deliver an important mix of ecosystem services (ES). The effectiveness of future policies linked to landscape and agricultural practices requires consideration of citizen...
MoreDeliverable 4.2 – Farmer priorities and preferences for ecosystem services in relation to permanent grassland
This report details the findings of task 4.2, ‘Farmer priorities and preferences for ecosystem services (ES) in relation to permanent grassland (PG)’, funded in the Horizon 2020 SUPER-G project. The objective of Task 4.2 was to assess farmers’...