Deliverable 2.4 – Scientist and farmer perceptions of the feasibility of current and emerging permanent grassland management techniques in Europe

Deliverable 2.4 – Scientist and farmer perceptions of the feasibility of current and emerging permanent grassland management techniques in Europe
Deliverable 2.4 – Scientist and farmer perceptions of the feasibility of current and emerging permanent grassland management techniques in Europe

The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of 11 different permanent grassland (PG) management options and innovations in terms of their ease of implementation, likely uptake by farmers and land managers, and potential to deliver ecosystem services (ES) under different climatic, agronomic and socio-economic conditions. This was achieved by exploring the perspectives of both scientific experts and farmers across five biogeographic regions (BGRs) in Europe (Atlantic, Boreal, Mediterranean, Continental/Pannonian, Alpine).

This report details the findings from SUPER-G project task 2.4 in WP2 “Delivering sustainable systems”. The results give insight into the prioritisation of management options for PG, and starting points for better understanding of how farmers can be supported to adopt positive technologies for multiple ES delivery on PG.

To read the full report, click here.

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