An upcoming event organised by DG Environment of the European Commission in relation to grasslands will take place on 12 September in Brussels, with possibility of joining remotely.
It is organised in the context of the EU Grassland Watch platform, which monitors natural and semi-natural grasslands in Natura 2000 sites. It uses Landsat, Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2, to map land cover in Natura 2000 sites (the web site let you see the evolution in time of a site land cover), to detect potential losses of grasslands, and to give indications about potential intensification (with indicators such as annual counts of mowing or ploughing) as well as grasslands’ biophysical status.
The first project aimed to verify the feasibility of such a system. A second project is now being launched, aimed at refining the first results and to create a community of users to help improve EU Grassland Watch. The event on 12 September will be the kick-off event to present EU Grassland Watch and meet with potential users.
If you are interested and available, you can register here!
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