SUPER-G 2023 annual meeting | Budapest, Hungary

SUPER-G 2023 annual meeting | Budapest, Hungary
SUPER-G 2023 annual meeting | Budapest, Hungary

The SUPER-G 2023 annual meeting was held in the Library at the Institute of Aquatic Ecology in Budapest, between 6th and 8th of June, and included a fascinating field excursion to the famous Kiskunság National Park in the Danube–Tisza interfluve region of Hungary.

The Kiskunság includes minimally grazed semi-desert on wind-blown sand, with multiple rare endemic plant species. The more productive land on the 650-hectare Etal-major farm is grazed with Hungarian Grey Cattle crossed with Charolais to improve calf liveweight gain. They were treated to a rich and impressive diversity of nationally and internationally important plant, insect, beetle and bird life, including Eurasian bee-eaters (Merops apiaster) and European rollers (Coracias garrulus).

The farming system and the associated biodiversity are supported through agri-environment payments.

See below some photos of the visit:



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