Caraes C.1, Godfroy D. 2, Jouart A.2 and Newell Price J.P.3 1Chambre Régionale d’Agriculture de Normandie, France; 2Chambre Régionale d’Agriculture du Grand Est, France; 3 ADAS, United Kingdom Abstract As part of the Horizon 2020 SUPER-G project...
MoreAre we talking about the same thing? Stakeholder perspectives on grasslands management intensity
Tonn B.1,2, Ten Berge H.3, Bufe C.3, Buchmann N.4, Eggers S.5, Fernández Rebollo P.6, Klaus V.H.4, Lellei-Kovács E.7, Lombardi G.8, Ravetto Enri S.8, Stypinski P.9 and Newell Price J.P.10 1University of Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences...
MoreCitizen and consumer attitudes to grassland landscapes in Europe
Tindale S.1, Ojo M.1, Gallardo-Cobos R.2, Hunter E.3, Miškolci S.4, Vicario-Modroño V.2, Newell Price P.5, Sánchez-Zamora P.2, Sonnevelt M.6 and Frewer L.J.1 1Centre for Rural Economy, Newcastle University, United Kingdom; 2Department of...
MoreVariability of European farming systems relying on permanent grassland across biogeographic regions
Ravetto Enri S.1, Bausson C.2, Ten Berge H.3, Hiron M.4, Jones M.5, Klaus V.H.6, Buchmann N.6, Lellei-Kovács E.7, Rankin J.8, Fernández-Rebollo P.9, Schils R.3, Tonn B.11,12, Lombardi G.1 and Newell Price P.5 1University of Torino, Department of...
MoreForage day at the Research Station in Vatin
Last 1st of April, the Brno University, of the Czech Republic organized a workshop with 18 farmers, at the Research station in Vatín, district Žďár nad Sázavou. In this workshop several topics related with the Permanent Grasslands management were...
MoreSUPER-G awarded the Photo Competition winners!
SUPER-G launched a Photo Competition in 2019, that lasted one year and ended with nearly 170 photos selected from 5 categories: biodiversity; farmlands; cultural values; landscape and recreation and threats. The Photo Competition ended in 2020...
MoreSUPER-G Stakeholder Webinar – April 2022
The SUPER-G Stakeholder Webinar ocurred on the 26th of April, adressing the Permanent Grasslands in the Continental biogeographic region. This webinar presented the role and main tasks of Biebrza National Park in active protection of PG and the...
MoreSUPER-G 4th Consortium Annual Meeting in Bled!
In the last two and a half years the SUPER-G Consortium kept up the good work, with several online meetings, including the annual ones. But surely, we were missing to meet, to discuss in-person and to enjoy the networking that these meetings can...
MoreEU Green Week Webinar: “Grasslands as carbon sinks” organised by GO-GRASS
At the occasion of the EU Green Week 2022, which focuses on the European Green Deal, the GO-GRASS project organised a Partner Event focusing on the potential of grasslands for carbon sequestration and its benefits for biodiversity, climate...
MorePermanent Grasslands in the Continental biogeographic region (Webinar)
The first SUPER-G webinar for stakeholders in the Continental biogeographic region will be held online on 26th April 2022. Our discussions will focus on how permanent grasslands can be managed for biodiversity and for food production with...
MorePermanent grasslands in Europe: Land use change and intensification decrease their multifunctionality
René L.M.Schilsa ConnyBufea Caroline M.Rhymerb Richard M.Francksenb ValentinvH.Klausc MohamedAbdallad FilippoMilazzoe EszterLellei-Kovácsf Hein...
MoreThe resilience of soil erosion rates under historical land use change in agroecosystems of Southern Spain
F.Milazzoa P.Fernándezb A.Peñac T.Vanwalleghema aDepartment of Agronomy, ETSIAM, University of Córdoba, Spain; bDepartment of Forest Engineering, ETSIAM, University of Cordoba, Spain; cDepartment of Rural Engineering, ETSIAM, University of...