EIP-AGRI: EU initiatives for the transfer and co-creation of innovations on and for grassland

EIP-AGRI: EU initiatives for the transfer and co-creation of innovations on and for grassland
EIP-AGRI: EU initiatives for the transfer and co-creation of innovations on and for grassland

Schreuder R.1, Peratoner G.2, Goliński P.3 and Van den Pol-van Dasselaar A.4

1EIP-AGRI Network Facility, Koning Albert II laan 15, 1210 Brussels, Belgium; 2Laimburg Research Centre, Vadena/Pfatten, 39040 Ora/Auer, Italy; 3Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Grassland and Natural Landscape Sciences, Dojazd 11, 60-632 Poznań, Poland; 4Aeres University of Applied Sciences, De Drieslag 4, 8251 RR Dronten, the Netherlands


The EIP-AGRI is dedicated to foster competitive and sustainable farming and forestry that ‘achieves more and better from less’ and therefore ensuring a steady supply of food, feed and biomaterials. The aim of this paper is to provide insight into the consideration of grasslands in the EIP-AGRI. It discusses focus groups (FG), operational groups (OG), multi-actor projects (MAP) and thematic networks (TN) with a link to grasslands. Grassland is one of the many agricultural topics covered by these EIP-AGRI key building blocks. In FG, grassland topics are well represented (they were addressed in 46.5% of all FG) in contrast to OG, where they are the subject of a marginal number of OG (7%). The OG cover a wide range of grassland related topics. The topics addressed by OG are less focused on environmental issues than, e.g. recommendations coming from the FG. Under the EIP initiatives, several grassland MAP/TN were implemented as H2020 research projects, where farmers are at the centre of practice-based innovation.

Read the full articlehere.

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