ETH Zurich is looking for a doctoral student with a passion for science to join their team

ETH Zurich is looking for a doctoral student with a passion for science to join their team
ETH Zurich is looking for a doctoral student with a passion for science to join their team

The Grassland Sciences Group is a vibrant and international working group at the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich and they are looking for a “reliable, enthusiastic and highly motivated doctoral student with a passion for science” to join their team. The research will focus on “process- and system-understanding of the biosphere-atmosphere greenhouse gas exchange and its drivers in forests and agroecosystems as well as on the provisioning of ecosystem services in temperate grasslands.”

The doctoral project is part of the interdisciplinary project InsuranceGrass “Assessment of formal, natural and social insurances: how to cope best with impacts of extreme events on grasslands for sustainable farming systems?”, carried out with four doctoral students in Switzerland and in Germany. Also, the project addresses the potential role of natural, financial, and social insurance mechanisms to cope with increasing climate extremes, identifies interdependencies between insurance types, and derives recommendations for optimal policies.

The starting date is 1 April 2022 and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Are you interested? Find out all the details on the following link: Doctoral student in ecosystem gas exchange and ecosystem services of grasslands (

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