The report on the topic “The effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grassland across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions)” – developed under the Task 4.1c of the SUPER-G project – is now available on our website. The report investigates the maintenance and sustainable management of permanent grassland in Europe and sets out to increase understanding of the importance and functioning of PG, benchmarking performances across Europe. The document also develops integrated approaches for sustainable PG management and tools/policy mechanisms inclusive of stakeholder and citizen priorities.
The report aims to:
- Identify and map (describe) the most relevant policies that impact PG management across five European biogeographic regions (Atlantic, Continental/ Pannonian, Alpine, Boreal and Mediterranean)
- Understand their policy logic;
- Evaluate their effectiveness; in order to provide an empirical assessment and recommendations for further research that will lead to policy improvements in relation to PG management and delivery of ecosystem services (ES).
Read the report summary: The effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grassland across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions) – Report Summary.
Read the full report: The effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grassland across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions) – Full Report
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