The EGF2021 Symposium, hosted by Universität Kassel, was held last week (17-19 May). With a special focus on sensing technologies, it addressed three main themes closely related to objectives of the SUPER-G project; “Biomass and quality...
MoreWebinar series: Permanent Grasslands in Europe – Policies, Services and Management
The SUPER-G project is hosting an open access Webinar series in June, to showcase some outputs from the project and contribute to discussions around policy making. Under the theme: Permanent Grasslands (PG) in Europe – policies, services, and...
MoreDecision Support Tools Report
Work Package 5 (WP5) of the SUPER-G project will develop Decision Support Tools (DSTs) to assist farmers and policy makers to assess Ecosystem Service (ES) provision on Permanent Grassland (PG). Within WP5, as part of Task 5.1, we undertook a...
MoreEuromontana Booklet of Good Practices
The European Association of mountain areas (EuroMontana) has published a booklet of good management practices in mountain grasslands, gathered across 18 European countries, through OREKA MENDIAN, a seven-year project funded by the European...
MoreThe effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grassland across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions)
The report on the topic “The effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grassland across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions)” – developed under the Task 4.1c of the SUPER-G project – is now available...