Activity for Children: “Citykollo” – Summer activities | Sweden

Activity for Children: “Citykollo” – Summer activities | Sweden
Activity for Children: “Citykollo” – Summer activities | Sweden

On June 18th,  SLU organized an activity for children from 11 to 15, as part of “Citykollo”, a week of summer activities organised by Uppsala Konsert och Kongress and Uppsala Municipality. The theme of the event was Agriculture and had a total of 60 participants.

One of the challenges organised by SLU, was to place species in their right habitat. The participants were given descriptions of two landscapes, one with grasslands and livestock farming and another with crop only farming and woodland. The exercise concluded that many species require habitats linked to livestock farming, so the participants wouldn’t “find homes” in the crop/woodland landscape.

Find below some photos from this day.


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