1st Spanish Co-innovation Workshop – UCO

1st Spanish Co-innovation Workshop – UCO
1st Spanish Co-innovation Workshop – UCO

The first Spanish SUPER-G  co-innovation workshop took place on February 20th and 21st 2019 at the Andalusia Agricultural and Fishing Research and Training Institute (IFAPA) in Hinojosa del Duque, Córdoba  The workshop was well attended with a total of 36farmers and advisors attending.

A survey was carried out by farmers who were participating in a formation course at the centre, as this guaranteed the attendance of the participants and facilitated the organisation of the workshop. The survey intended to gather information from farmers about their opinion of some proposed innovations for their permanent grasslands.

The next day the surveys were carried out in the same place but in a seminar about ovine management in grassland to increase the number of participants and reach a different profile of participants, in this case, a more technical profile.

The survey presented a series of 12 innovations and farmers/advisors would classify them depending on how important each innovation is.

The surveys results can be found below, prioritised:

  1. Innovation 2: Search for more drought-tolerant grassland species
  2. Innovation 1: Sowing with new mixes of seeds
  3. Innovation 12: Extension and dissemination of research results on permanent pasture and its management through specialized websites, workshops and formative courses.
  4. Innovation 3: Increase the knowledge about the quality of grassland species in the Dehesa and their evolution during the year
  5. Innovation 4: Grassland Fertilization: Products and Fertilization Guidelines
  6. Innovation 5: Monitoring and guidance for soil health assessment
  7. Innovation 9: Assessment of manure and slurry
  8. Innovation 10: Software that makes short-term estimates of grass growth based on current pasture status and weather conditions
  9. Innovation 8: Remote sensing of grassland
  10. Innovation 6: GPS necklaces for cattle
  11. Innovation 11: Software that estimates greenhouse gas emissions on the farm, with existing farm management, and recommendations on how to reduce them.
  12. Innovation 7: Virtual fences

See below some photographs from this day.

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